
Monday 2 April 2012

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product

Looking back at my preliminary task I think I have learnt lots of new Photoshop skills, and I have become much more confident with the software. I have been able to use skills where I can make my pictures look professional. I have also learnt new skills for my sell lines making them stand out better giving them a 3D effect and making them eye catching.

I have become more confident with experimenting with different tools and I have become more creative with Photoshop which has made my magazine stand out more, as my preliminary task magazine looks very boring and simple and I did not use a variety of text like I should do, however, i did in my music magazine and the different fonts I have used has made my magazine stand out and look good.

I also learnt how to surround my pictures with the sell lines, I found creating my contents page difficult however I think it has come out well. I had changed it three times as I did not know how to section it out well, or how i should fit the text around the image. Now i have sectioned out my text in different categories and I also used a large image, as well as small images so it doesn't look too boring and it shows some of the other articles which will appear in my magazine

Overall, i think my Photoshop skills have grown and you can see this by the outcome of my magazine as i think it has turned out good and looks professional.

Evaluation quesion 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

I have learnt a lot about the different technologies available to me when creating my magazine. I first learnt how to use a professional camera as I had to do a photo shoot and have a different variety of images for my magazine so that I can pick the best images to appear on my magazine. I think I have been able to use this skill well as some of the images I have taken have come out very effective. I created different angles like a low angle shot by standing on a chair, and used a close up to create a close up

I used Photoshop throughout the production of my magazine, I learnt how to cut my image fast by using the quick selection tool, which is a faster version of cutting out the image, and then I used the smooth and refine edges tool to smooth out any bits of my image. I also used a tool where I can brighten up the image to stand out and look bold and effective and I used this on my front cover to catch the reader’s eye and on one of my double pages spread where the picture stands out and looks effective. In using these tools my pictures have turned out good and they look professional.

While creating my sell lines I used effects to make my sell lines stand out. For my mast head I used a 3D effect so it stand out well, for the rest of my sell lines I used drop down shadow effect also creating an eye catching 3D look.

I feel like I have learnt many new skills while creating my magazine, and this has helped me make my magazine look professional and I was able to make my images stand out as I was able to change the colour range on my image and I was also able to cut the image out easier to make it look professional. Using a professional camera has also helped my picture taking skills and I have also learnt the importance of lighting I was also able to have a variety of angle shots.

I also learnt how to use premier well while creating the videos for my evaluation, I found it difficult at first to get used to it however after creating three videos I finally got the grasp of it. I also started using Blogger, posting all the tasks that I have had to do, I found blogger using blogger strange at first as it is something im not used to doing however, I like using it now and find it easy. 

Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation quetsion 5

How did you attract/ address your audience?
For my magazine, I ensured that it would sell by including the main aspects of an indie/rock genre magazine. Firstly, I ensured that my front cover looks good and would appeal to a young adults by making the colour scheme red, black and white and silver these are the main colours used for a indie/rock genre magazine. I included a large red masthead and made it eye catching for my audience. The colours are also a uni-sex so I gained a wider target audience.
On the front cover and contents page I included sell lines which will appeal to my target audience because they are sell lines which my audience will want to read about in the article, for example i have included the latest about singers and bands so they will be able to read about their favourite singer or band. I have also included gig listening as my target audience are people who regularly go to gigs and enjoy it. My article is about a new singer, this will appeal to my audience as they want to know what else the musician will be doing.
On the front cover it is a close-up of my musician who is a female; this will attract both women and men. The price of my magazine is £3.50, it is expensive however, teenagers will be able to afford it as they are most likely to ask their parents for the money, young adults will be able to afford it as they will probably be working so it is easier for them to afford it as well.
 My target audience are quite young and I have ensured that they can access my magazine in many different ways by including a facebook and twitter website as well as an Iphone app, as young people are more likely to use the internet access things, as they are likely to have a smart phone and have internet on their phone so they can easily access the iphone app, and if they have a Blackberry or other type of smart phone they can easily use the internet on their phone to go onto the twitter or facebook website.
I have tried to give my magazine a certain style of writing as the Uses and Gratification theory say that people who read magazines try to have a personal relationship with it, and read magazines for an escapism therefore, I have used writing where my reader feels comfortable reading it and I have included pictures and different articles about different artists, gig and album reviews so that every page is different and my reader can enjoy reading each different page.
I have included the colours red, white grey and black these are colours which are associated with the genre of my magazine. The colour red stands out and so therefore I used that colour for my masthead so that the reader is immediately drawn to it. I used effects on my sell lines such as drop down shadow and bevel emboss so that they are eye catching and bold.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Evaluation question 4

Evaluaion Question 3
Who would be the audience for your media product ?
I have targeted my audience at young adults from the ages of 16-25, because teenagers develop what type of music they are in to at the age of 16 and older. Young adults/adults are more likely to buy my magazine because they are more likely to want to read about reviews and upcoming gigs. They have probably already experiences going to a gig/concert.

 Another reason I have targeted my audience at young adults is because 16 years old will have parents who are likely to pay for the magazine issues. My magazine is aimed at both male and females, and I think my magazine does this well as the front cover has a picture of a female which will attract males as well as females and the colours I have used colours which are very mutual and so they should appeal to both genders.

The social class for my will be B-D, my magazine it monthly but it is £2.99, quite expensive but social class C and D will be able to afford it. They would be people who are at college or university which is why my price is not too expensive, because when you are a student and young adults starting the world of work.

I think my target audience will share the same sort of social habits they are likely to dress the same, have the same interest which is why in my magazine i included exclusive interviews which I know would appeal to them, I also included when the latest gigs will happen, which will also appeal to my audience as they are likely to enjoy going to gigs and concerts.

Evaluation question 3

What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why ?

I wanted my magazine to be distributed by Hearst magazine UK, I did not want my magazine to be distributed by ICP as they distribute magazine such as 'Q', 'NME' and 'Kerrange!'. This would then increase my competition, as 'Tune' is a similar magazine to the magazine distributed by ICP which would make it difficult for my magazine has its own identity and popularity.

 Hearst magazine UK is well known for distributing fashion and life style magazine such as 'Cosmopolitan' even though this is not a music magazine, the distributor will be well known and my magazine will attract other types of magazine as well as my own.

I think that Hearst magazine will be a suitable distributer for my magazine because my magazine will be the first magazine that they will distribute and for it to be successful they will make a marketing campaign and will have a large enough budget to make the magazine attract a target audience.

Hearst magazine distribute magazines for male and female audiences and my magazine is also aimed at both genders. I think this would be good for Hearst magazine to distribute my magazine because they will be the first fashion and lifestyle magazine to be distributing a music magazine which would be an advantage for them to be distributing and launching a new magazine which will attract and gain the attention of a large target audience.

Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

For my magazine I think I have represented my social group quite well. The look of the magazine looks like it’s aimed at upper class/ middle class. The effect of using grey in my front cover makes my magazine look sophisticated, I also used and black white and this make my magazine look elegant as black and white complement each other well. The added effect of red makes my magazine stand out, and you can also tell what the genre of my magazine is.

For my front cover, I tried to create sell lines which would relate to my tagret audience, for example I used 'best album 2011' this would appeal to my audience who are frequently listening to indie music and who will want to know the best album for 2011. The colours that i have used represent the genre well, which attracts my target audience. I also think that the image I used represented how I wanted my musician too look, I made her pose in her picture so it looks dangerous. Danger is something that relates a lot to a Indie/rock magazine, and I think I have represented it well, the picture is a close up so you can see her facial expression quite well and the audience can relate to her.

Another page which I thinks represents my social group well is my first double page spread, as I think the image that I used is very exaggerated and even though there is only a pull quote on the page, the page says a lot. I think the picture looks quite upper-class from the way it has been taken and the font I used for the pull quote adds a sophisticated look as I made the font italic which adds the extra effect.

Furthermore, the Mise-en-scene of my magazine represents the social group of my magazine well, the look of my model looks quite middle class/upper class, in my article draft I made her wear red high heels again the colour red because it related well to the genre of my magazine as well as making my model look sophisticated and glamorous. The clothes that my model wears are stylish, and make her look like a rock chick which adds to the look of the genre of my magazine. It also appeals too teenagers in middle class because her clothes are quite normal looking. I think that the front cover pictures represents my social group well it adds to the elegant look of the magazine, a close-up shot of her adds an up class effect to the overall look.

The tone of the article is something which will appeal to a young audience, the article is about a musician who is a new comer and has succeeded well for an Indie artist. This will appeal to my audience well as they'll want to know more about her success and what else she has lined up for her fans. I used two pictures and enlarged them, one of the pictures she is wearing clothes which really represent her image and the magazine well, I think wearing a leather jacket shorts and a top represent the  magazine well the red heels balance it out by making her look glamorous and devious.